Be a part of the once great era of steam with just a breath of air. The Pneumatic Engine is a small but fully functional example of a steam engine, except it uses air pressure instead of steam to set it in motion. Use an ordinary inflated balloon and watch the pistons and gears chug along just like the locomotive engines of yesteryear. The model comes with a built-in air pressure gauge and two compartments for storage and spare parts.
Všetko je z dreva, žiadne plasty. Jedinou výnimkou je gumička, ktorá poskytuje energiu na pohyb modelu.
Model je funkčný, prepracovaný do detailov. Perfektne poslúži na demonštráciu technických riešení.
Na zostavenie modelu nie je potrebné lepidlo, jedná sa o čistú a zábavnú prácu, ktorá poteší ruky nejedného modelára.